Maritha Try Rachmadani

Senin, 12 Mei 2014


NPM                 : 24211310
KELAS               : 3EB07

Tugas 2
a.  Cross out the <e> in the <ed> ending whenever it is not pronounced
1.    Blinked           : Blink
2.    Improved        : Improve
3.    Pointed            : Point
4.    Opened           : Opened
5.    Attached         : Attach
6.    Allowed          : Allow
7.    Avoided          : Avoid
8.    Charged          : Charged
9.    Omitted           : Omit
10.  Handicapped   : Handicap
11.  Discovered      : Discovered
12.  Delighted        : Delight
b. Adding a syllable. Answer the following question using the past tenses of the verb followed by to and another verb. Do not release the /t/ or /d/ before to, but say the sequence /tt/ or /dt/ together (need to, needed to)
1. When did he need to come?
He needed to come Last Week
2. What did she want to do?
She wanted to her homework yesterday
3. Where did they decide to go?
They decided to go to Library
4. What did she start to do?
She started to studying
5. When did he expect to be there?
He expected to be there on
6. When did the intend to arrive?
They intended to arrive tomorrow
7.When did you start to learn english?
I started to learn english two years ago
8. Why did you want to come to the United State?
I wanted to come the United State because i wanna go to Laguna Seca
9. When did you decide to come here?
I decided to come on 10 pm
10. When did you need to apply for a visa?
I needed to apply a visa when i’m wanna go to Europe
11. What did you hate to do when you were a child?
I hated to do  pack a bag when a child
c. Adding a syllable. Answer the following question using the past tenses of the verb. Don’t drop medial /t/: started doesn’t sound the same as starred
1. When did you start looking for an apartemen?
Istarted looking foran apartmentsincea monthago
2. What did your advisor suggest doing?
My advisor suggested doing the best
3. What did you end up telling your advisor?
I ended up telling my advisor that im agree
4. How did your roommate first treat you?
My roommatte first treated me because he was there
5. Who did you visit over the weekend?
I visited my uncle over the weekend
6. How did your mother sound over the phone?
My mother sounded soft over the phone
7. How many times did your teacher repeat the instructions?
My teacher repeated the instructions twice
8. Who did the teacher point at?
The teacher pointed me to answer the question
9. What did you avoid doing over the weekend?
I avoided the congestion that occurs on a weekend
10. How long did you attend high school?
I attended high school for 3 years
f. the following verbs to the past tense. Write /id/ (extra syllable), /t/. Or /d/ to show how to pronounce the past tense /ed/ ending. (optonal: put each word in a short sentence.)
1.    Opened           : Opened /t/                           15. Relate        : Related /d/
2.    Refused           : Refused  /d/                         16. Remember  : Remembered /t/
3.    Attend             : Attended /ed/                      17. Control       : Controlled /d/
4.    Climb              : Climbed /d/                          18. As               : As
5.    Persuade          : Persuaded /ed/                    19. Pretend       : Pretended /ed/
6.    Prefer              : Prefered /ed/                       20. Die                        : Died /d/
7.    Hurry               : Hurried /t/                            21. Shout         : Shouted /ed/
8.    Charge             : Charged /ed/                         22. Watch        : Watched /t/
9.    Arrive              : Arrived /t/                             23. Explain       : Explained /t/
10.  Last                 : Lasted /ed/                            24. Sew            : Sewed /t/
11.  Correct            : Corrected /ed/                       25. Slip            : Slipt /t/
12.  Relax               : Relaxed /t/                             26. Exchange   : Exchanged /t/
13.  Hope               : Hoped /d/                               27. Remind      : Reminded /ed/
14.  Enjoy               : Enjoyed /ed/                          28. Hug            : Hugged /ed/

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